Atomic Layer Deposition

Influential Factors
Growth per cycle (GPC)
Cycle Time (Shortening of time)
Pressure, Flowrate, Temperature,
SRC Feed, RF Plasma or Thermal Kinetics
Hardware Design Methodology
Why ALD ?

Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is a precise thin-film deposition technique that creates ultra-thin, uniform coatings by sequentially exposing a substrate to different precursor gases in a controlled manner. Each exposure results in a self-limiting chemical reaction that deposits a single atomic layer, ensuring precise control over film thickness and composition. This process allows for excellent conformality on complex 3D structures, making ALD ideal for advanced semiconductor devices, nanotechnology, and other high-tech applications.
ALD operates effectively at low temperatures, enabling the deposition of a wide range of materials and facilitating the creation of diverse and complex material systems.
However, the process has some limitations, including low throughput, low deposition rates, and high equipment costs.
Industries are actively investing in the development of improved equipment to overcome these challenges, focusing on enhancing throughput, increasing deposition rates, and reducing costs. These advancements aim to provide better process control and more efficient systems, ensuring that ALD continues to be a vital technology for future applications.
How to improve throughput ?
GPC - Growth per cycle
You can improve GPC by controlling a number of factors, depending on the process or application. And guess what? Three of these factors are source feed, purge efficiency, and RF on timings along with coreactant. You can control these parameters by adjusting temperature, pressure, and hardware development. Let's get started on optimizing your GPC!
Cycle time
Shorter cycle time leads to more growth in less time. To achieve this, we must improve source feed by controlling pressure in reaction chamber, increasing temperature of bottle heaters, optimizing purge efficiency, and finding the right spot and time for RF ignition. we need to make a note that, factors may influence each other, so balance is crucial.
Hardware Enhancements
Hardware developments determine all the factors, including GPC and time reduction. It's important to identify and adjust the governing factors accordingly. Improving precursor vapor volumes with additional heaters, shortening precursor travel time, increasing flow rates for faster purging, controlling pressure in RC, adjusting wafer temperature, plasma distribution, and using higher frequency RF can all lead to better plasma density.

SEM images of TiO2 thin films on aluminium oxide substrates deposited using ALD process

Our Engineering
Functionality You Will Love
Hardware Developments
Reaction Chamber Optimization
Precise temperature control mechanism
Improvising plasma generation techniques
RF Engineering
BKMs for gas lines and boxes
Liquid Control Systems Optimization​
Process Engineering
DOE Creation
Mapping process parameter with hardware
Process simulations
Advanced Tech
We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our technological capabilities. Our expert team of professionals is passionate about developing the most advanced tech on the market.
Reaction Chamber Optimization
RF Microwave Engineering
Additive Showerhead design